Friday, April 17, 2009


Camden James saw his dr. today.
Current Stats
Weight-- 10lb 5oz - 90th%tile
Height -- 23inches - off the chart
Head --14 3/4inches - 50th%tile
He is doing great, besides wanting to sleep all day and party all night.
We have been enjoying these great warm days. Cam has now been to 5 different parks, a dairy farm, and grandpa's beef farm.
Criying baby right now, more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Megan!!!
I'm sooo happy that you and your son are both healthy!!! Congratulations, for real!!!

I'm sorry that I couldn't checked your blog for a while since I started working at the elementary school since April 1st in Japan.
I'm teaching 4th graders, and it's been so busy and I always come home after 9 pm. i'm almost dying everyday but I'll do my best.

I miss you Megan! I'd love to see you daughter and son some time!!!
