Paige has been asking for awhile to get her ears pierced. So a few weeks ago we went to the mall and got it done. They did them 1 ear at a time and after the first ear, Paige would have been happy with 1 earring for the rest of her life. About 3 stickers and 2 suckers later she was ready for the 2nd one. She gets to put new ones in right at the same time she starts pre-school. As you can see Camden had lots of fun in Claires while Paige was getting her ears done.
After Paige got hers done, Jed said I should get my nose pierced again. Ever since I quit working at the hospital he has wanted me to re-pierce it. We will see, I may want to do it just to feel a little young and hip after the babies come. However, finding enough minutes to go and do it may be a little hard for awhile:)
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