Thursday, February 26, 2009


Gosh, time is going very fast right now. I will get some pictures posted in the next week, I promise.
Paige turns 2 on Sunday. I don't know if I am excited or sad, I guess a little of both. Yesterday we were at the park. She climbed up this ladder thing with no problems-- she could not even begin to do it last fall. Her favorite thing is to tell her daddy "don't say those words" It doesn't matter what he says that is her response. Potty training is in limbo. After FL. she only wanted diapers and just in the last couple of weeks she has started wanting panties again. We will see, she is still young, I am just going with her lead for now. New baby on the way may change a lot of things. We have been feeding the birds so Paige is always excited to look outside and see the birdies on the deck.
I am beginning my 9millionith career in the last 4 years. Actually I think this is #4 in 4 years. I am going to start working MWF from 6-8:30am at Curves - no more babysitting. I am excited about this transition. I will be able to get my workouts in (which is very tough right now), I will be using some of my expertise and then I will have all day with my babies!!! It is going to require a little extra planning and help from Jed, but I know he will adjust fine. My dryer is broken, so we have been enjoying trips to the laundry mat. Having Paige with me has made a task that I would normally dread, actually enjoyable. Paige loves going with me, she can run around in circles pushing little carts. It is amazing how a small child can change our outlook on something.
Jed is working like crazy- very busy. He travels to Chicago 1 day/week, goes to school 2 days a week. This weekend is his last basketball game, which will free up some time for him. Jed gets to see Illinois play tonight - free front row tickets!! Next weekend he is going to the Missouri Valley Tourn. with a friend - so he still does get a little fun in. I will have to say that the highlight of his day is bedtime with Paige. He lays in her bed reading books, talking and saying prayers - then they both fall asleep together. After his pre-bedtime nap he comes out and says, "meg want to go to bed?" Nights that he gets home too late for bedtime he asks me if she can sleep in our bed.
Wow, I wrote more than I thought I would - I am trying to avoid cleaning out the van!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009



Paige has decided that she is "not the baby" and does not need to nap any longer. However, today she layed down for a nap so here I am trying to do some of the things that are hard to do with her great help. This picture is one of her "fake naps"

Gotta Love It