Thursday, August 16, 2012


 Picking Plums!  We discovered that we had a plum tree in our front yard. It got so loaded with plums that every branch was touching the ground.  2 branches even broke.  We picked 10 - 5 gallon buckets worth.  We delivered plums all around town to everyone we could find.   A few people made some jelly and one friend is making some wine, I can't wait!  We just ate and ate and ate them til our little mouths were raw.
 Best Friends Forever! Paige's best friend Julia, they have spent almost every single day of their summer together.  When Julia went on vacation Paige was so sad and would tell everyone that her life was no good because her best friend was in a different country (the state of Virginia:)
 Swimming at Eric's pond.  It is good to have friends who have friends with nice places they like to share. We spent many Monday nights at the pond.

 Painting the treasures we found. Check out Cora in the background - awesome smile and awesome Christmas in July jammies:)

 Marshall-Putnam Fair. We only got to 1 day of the fair. So good to see Grandma still in "her culinary booth"
 The 2 cutest 1 year olds in the entire world. Getting ready for #1 of 3 birthday party at Grandma and Grandpa Swanson's in Morrison.
 All 6 of the Swanson cousins together on Grandma and Grandpa's couch:)
 Just a  sideways cutiepie:)
 Happy Birthday Grandpa Ken!
 Camden trying on Kale's new birthday outfit - gosh I love that goofy boy
 More Cousins!
 Paige being just sweet:)

 Happy Happy Happy!
 Our first rain of the summer made a rainbow. We had just put kids to bed when it started raining. We went and grabbed them out of bed.  Some things are just more important than sleep
 Jed's softball tournament with his Decatur Gerdau fellow employees.  As Camden says we went to Daddy's t-ball game with his worker guys.
 Discovery Museum
 Discover Museum- As Paige calls it, ixcovery museum. I just can't correct her it is the only little piece of littleness left in her
 More Swinging
 Cora at the Fair
Dress up time!