Paige has been wearing big girl panties since Monday and is doing great. Tue and Wed she had the flu so she did not wear them much. Thursday she wore them in the car and stayed dry. Friday I had the flu - she did not have any accidents for Jed. Sat. we went to Wal-Mart and got more panties. She chose Elmos this time. She did just fine when we ran errands. She learned quickly at Wal-Mart that the drinking fountain is by the bathroom. She asked to go potty 3 times and always needed a drink afterwards also. Sat. night we went to a basketball game and she did great. We went potty as soon as we got to the school. When we were walking out of the bathroom she told everyone we walked by "I potty, I potty" and everyone just smiled at her and told her "good job." She wakes up 1/2 the time wet and 1/2 the time dry at naptime. She does have a couple of accidents during the day, which make her very sad that she has to take off her panties. She still wears diapers to bed, which she does not want to do at all.
I will keep you posted on how it goes. So far I prefer a little extra laundry over buying more diapers.
2 years ago