Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Camden enjoyed, finding an egg, eating what was inside and then looking for another one! Paige filled 2 baskets, but was happy to share with her brother later!




Our little preschool group rockin' out!


IT'S A... AND A...

Baby and a Baby!!

We decided to wait until the moment of delivery to know boy or girl! Baby B (who Paige has named Cornpole. Baby A is named Cornball) was facing out so we couldn't get a profile.
It was so amazing to see both little ones in there. The reality really hit me, 2 babies!!! All organs are in place and working well. Babies are weighing 11 and 12 oz and both are measuring right at 20 weeks. I am measuring 24 weeks and have gained slightly more than 2 pounds:)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Daily, they say and do cute/funny things.
Just a few from today.

Paige: "Mommy, I like watching Nipplelodeon"
makes a cross out of exercise bands on the floor. has Cam lay on them then she puts him in this little door in her dresser and says he has to stay there for 3 days because he is Jesus and he is dead.

Camden: points to his belly button and says "look Mommy my baby"
I hear Paige scream, I turn around and Camden says " I go timeout" then he goes and sits in timeout
takes his motorcycle potty and then has his motorcycle watch him go potty

Monday, April 18, 2011


Well, 40 posts in 40 days... I have failed! Things have been crazy, busy around here and days go by where I do not get online. I don't think I realized this until I tried this blogging thing. Anyway,hoping to get some catch up posts done and some new ones as well!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



It was my choice to let Paige and her friend play "unsupervised" while I cleaned upstairs. Was it worth it?... Depends on when you ask me.
And, always give me a 15 minute warning before arriving, or you may get to witness 1st hand the above pictures:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sorry, I don't have any for you. I need some.
I have been asked by many if I will get a cleaning lady after the babies are born. It sure sounds nice, but that is not where I need the most help. A cleaning lady would probably come 1-2 times a month (if we could afford that often). Scrub floors, clean bathrooms, dust.
What do I do in between? Keeping up with those tasks are not as hard as the 50 cups that get dirty a day, the 4 loads of laundry, the 3 meals and 3 snacks that need to be prepared and cleaned up from. Plus my bathroom looks gross 2 days after I clean it. toothpaste and soap everywhere!
So I am open to any advice on keeping on top of all of the day to day tasks that need to be done. I am sure less stuff would mean less stuff to pick up. The problem is letting go of some of it.
There is a speaker talking about "living with less so your family has more" next week. I am hoping to get to it, maybe the motivation and tools I need.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Paige's first visit to the dentist! She was so excited and keeps asking when she gets to go back!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I didn't get on the computer 1x. We have had some beautiful weekdays, but yesterday was def. the best weekend day yet! Jed was so ready to be outside doing a few things. So maybe I won't actually blog every single day, but will make an effort to come as close as possible.
The best part of my day... new sand in the sandbox! There is nothing like it. Jed, being the amazing daddy he is bought this beautiful, white beach sand. Camden was diving and rolling around in it. Those are the important things in life!
Shortly after Paige was born, our house that seemed so big and spacious, felt small. With Camden, a little smaller. And now I can only imagine. Kids just have a lot of stuff. So, with no basement and in need of storage Jed and some buddies built a shed. Yesterday, the shed got finished!!! It has been usable to store all 55 totes of clothes and decorations and other very important things, but could not be set up completely. So now the shed is done! Next project, build Jed an office in the garage. This will be his 3rd office in this house, I am promising to never kick him out of his new space:)
Gotta go to read to Paige, the 2 men in my house are still sleeping and it is 8:00, this is a record!

Friday, April 1, 2011


2 years ago I woke up at 4am and thought, oh yeah this is what a contraction feels like:) Not at all like all of those "practice" ones that always made me wonder, am I in labor? I woke Jed up shortly after and said, "I am sure today is it, if you need to get any work done, do it now".
He thought "april fools!" It was april fools day and 10 days before my due date (Paige was 1 week late) and that would mean we would all have birthdays on the 1st of the month - no way.
At 7:30 I called my mom who was on her way to work and said I think you should come to my house instead of work. All morning the contractions continued to get closer and closer and stronger, but not unbearable, I was still able to play and read stories with Paige.
By 10:00 I was trying to decide how much longer to stay at home. With Paige I labored at the hospital for 20+ hours (not fun!). I needed to receive antibiotics 4 hours before Camdens delivery, so I didn't want to wait too long.
By 10:30 we left for the hospital. (the last picture of this post is the morning I had Camden) Jed, still not 100% convinced that I was really in labor had to make a couple of stops:) The Copy Shop to get some drawings for work and Arby's for a Roast Beef! The lady at the copy shop still teases me about going there before the hospital.
We arrive at the hospital by 11:30, dilated to a 6! By now, I was getting uncomfortable. I was hoping for a water birth this time around, but there was another mom in the tub when I arrived, so it was to the shower for some relief.
No clue what time it was but I reached a point of epidural or pushing. My midwife came in and said "you are ready to push, the other mom just had her baby, they are cleaning the tub and then you can get in" They had nurses carrying buckets of warm water. Finally to the tub and 15 minutes later Jed announced -- "IT'S A BOY!"
Camden James 4:45pm 9lb 14oz 19.5 inches (he came out looking like a wrestler)
Paige was there shortly after and got to meet her baby brother who she just smiled at and kissed all over!
He has been a true boy since the day he was born.
We are so very blessed to have him in our family.