Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sorry, I don't have any for you. I need some.
I have been asked by many if I will get a cleaning lady after the babies are born. It sure sounds nice, but that is not where I need the most help. A cleaning lady would probably come 1-2 times a month (if we could afford that often). Scrub floors, clean bathrooms, dust.
What do I do in between? Keeping up with those tasks are not as hard as the 50 cups that get dirty a day, the 4 loads of laundry, the 3 meals and 3 snacks that need to be prepared and cleaned up from. Plus my bathroom looks gross 2 days after I clean it. toothpaste and soap everywhere!
So I am open to any advice on keeping on top of all of the day to day tasks that need to be done. I am sure less stuff would mean less stuff to pick up. The problem is letting go of some of it.
There is a speaker talking about "living with less so your family has more" next week. I am hoping to get to it, maybe the motivation and tools I need.

1 comment:

sherri said...

I will brainstorm and see what I can come up with...containers and ziploc baggies are a must.

Another thing...FREEZE MEALS. This is so ideal, but I rarely do it, but am going to start again. Can either make a bunch in a day or just a reminder to double recipes and freeze half. This will definately save you time to do other things then make supper and clean up after supper. One of the blogs that I follow just posted some meals to freeze and she and her friends have meal freezing parties.