He thought "april fools!" It was april fools day and 10 days before my due date (Paige was 1 week late) and that would mean we would all have birthdays on the 1st of the month - no way.
At 7:30 I called my mom who was on her way to work and said I think you should come to my house instead of work. All morning the contractions continued to get closer and closer and stronger, but not unbearable, I was still able to play and read stories with Paige.
By 10:00 I was trying to decide how much longer to stay at home. With Paige I labored at the hospital for 20+ hours (not fun!). I needed to receive antibiotics 4 hours before Camdens delivery, so I didn't want to wait too long.
By 10:30 we left for the hospital. (the last picture of this post is the morning I had Camden) Jed, still not 100% convinced that I was really in labor had to make a couple of stops:) The Copy Shop to get some drawings for work and Arby's for a Roast Beef! The lady at the copy shop still teases me about going there before the hospital.
We arrive at the hospital by 11:30, dilated to a 6! By now, I was getting uncomfortable. I was hoping for a water birth this time around, but there was another mom in the tub when I arrived, so it was to the shower for some relief.
No clue what time it was but I reached a point of epidural or pushing. My midwife came in and said "you are ready to push, the other mom just had her baby, they are cleaning the tub and then you can get in" They had nurses carrying buckets of warm water. Finally to the tub and 15 minutes later Jed announced -- "IT'S A BOY!"
Camden James 4:45pm 9lb 14oz 19.5 inches (he came out looking like a wrestler)
Paige was there shortly after and got to meet her baby brother who she just smiled at and kissed all over!
He has been a true boy since the day he was born.
We are so very blessed to have him in our family.
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