Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Great news today!!!

Kale got his IV line removed, he is also off his pulseox. There is a possibility of using the bililite on him tonight. He also nursed once today and at his evening feeding tonight he drank his entire bottle....42 ml's!!!! That is such awesome news! He has to continue to eat his entire bottle for two whole days and then he will get to go home. Kale is now weighing 5 lbs 7 oz.

Cora was not able to try the bottle today as her respirations were still a little high, they need to be consistently under 60 for her to be able to try it. She did get 8 ml's at each feeding today through a tube in her nose and did well with that. She is now weighing 5 lbs.

Continue to pray for those little babies, we know your prayers are working - the proof is in this post!!

Posted by: Randie

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