Monday, February 20, 2012


Camman's latest haircut. Daddy let him pick which clipper blade to use. Paige came running downstairs and said "Mommy you are not going to like this" Well - i think it is pretty cute. And yes, Cam has a dirty face again:) Don't call DCFS, I really do wash him up a couple of times a month.

cute stories of the week
Paige says "what do mouses call their babies?" "Mice"

Camden's story at Prompt Care this week - "I miss my daddy" nurse says, "is he at work?" cam says "no he died and we buried him in the dirt and now he is with Jesus" nurse looking so embarrassed says "I'm sorry". And me, there with 4 sick kids, well, I don't say anything at all. I just let her believe it and feel a little sorry for me. It's been a tough week on me, I deserved it.


sherri said...

HA, this had me laughing out loud! Hopefully Jed is home safely!

Polly Kocher said...

i heard that a nurse from prompt care was putting together a benefit for a family in Danvers who lost their father...