Yesterday after all of the children that I babysit (5 of them) left I just took a deep breath and thought WOW, we have some crazy days. It is a great crazy and I am glad that it is my life right now.
5:30-6:00 am - Paige wakes up and she is ready to "eat, eat" and "go outside" It is still very dark at this time, but that doesn't seem to stop her from wanting to go outside.
6:00-7:30 am - Paige eats her cereal and asks "where Ana (Adam) go? and where Aubry go?" Mon-Fri I can tell her that they will be here soon. On weekends we answer this question thousands of times, along with every other friend she has, "where _____ go?"
7:15-7:30 am - Aubry and Adam arrive. Aubry has to eat a quick breakfast and be ready for the school bus to pick her up at 7:35. At the beginning of the school year I would put her, Adam and Paige in the car, drive to school, get all 3 out of the car walk into school, put Paige and Adam back in the car and drive home.
7:35-10:45 am - Free time with Paige and Adam. Playing, reading, painting, coloring, running errands, snack -- very fun time.
10:45-11:30 am- lunch, potty, and down for naps
1:15 pm - Paige wakes up from nap
1:45 pm - I wake up Aubry and Adam from nap
1:55 pm - Get in the car or walk to school to get after school kids
2:15-5:00 pm- Back home with Zach, Sarah and Cassie and Aubry, Adam and Paige. Eat snack, do homework and play. Between 4:30 and 5:00 all kids get picked up.
5:00-8:00 pm - make supper and eat. Play with Paige. She loves to play babies and fill purses with things to carry around right now. Read with Paige. On every page she points to everything and says "What's that?" Her most favorite book of the moment is Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom. Color with Paige, she loves to trace our hands and have us trace hers. Usually she just scribbles in between our fingers, but gets so excited when she does it. Paige is also using the potty quite a bit. She tells us between 1-5 times a day that she needs to potty and if you take off her diaper she goes and sits on the potty. She has been doing this for about 1 month. I am just going to see what happens with it. She is still pretty young to be completely potty trained.
8:00 pm - Paige to bed, Jed usually has homework or work to do. I clean up and go to bed as soon as I can.