I am hoping to get my camera cord soon so I can post some pictures of these 2 amazing little people. Both kids had their yearly checkups and are growing just fine.
40.75inches tall 75th%tile
37.25 pounds 75th%tile
Loves singing, dancing, coloring, painting, drawing, writing, and talking, talking, talking. She changes her clothes for every change in activity throughout the day, usually 10-20 outfit changes.
33.5 inches tall 25th%tile
31.75 pounds 90th%tile
(so he is not quite as balanced as his sis)
Loves football, basketball, soccer ball, baseball. He loves to throw everything. He loves trucks, cars and trains. He does not want to wear diapers or underwear, only basketball shorts and jerseys.
At what point do you stop posting your weight. I guarantee you will never see my weight posted on here. However, have gained 10 pounds at 16 weeks:) By 24 weeks should gain 25 pounds a little scary to think of doing, but if that's what I gotta do, that's what I will try to do.