Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I found it, I saved it just didn't post it.

I learned quickly when I became a mom to not judge other kids or moms. Well, before kids I was not going to bribe my kids. I could think of many other great ways to accomplish what I wanted.
Well, tonight we went out for ice cream after supper. Why? Because Paige can now buckle herself in her booster seat. I knew she was capable, just not willing. As I think of our future I find myself thinking of things that will make life run smoother with 4 kids 4 and under. 1 of those was Paige buckling herself. Well, the bribe of ice cream worked in just 2 days.
And, I am tired. This is the first I have been on the computer today and it is past my bedtime. Would have skipped it, but only the 3rd day into my own little personal challenge. I cannot be defeated that quickly.

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